Tuesday, 22 March 2022

HalSail and Data Protection

I am frequently asked whether HalSail complies with the General Data Protection Regulations. The answer is yes.

HalSail keeps it data on computers in the UK and complies with the UK GDPR. The EU has agreed that the UK GDPR is equivalent to the EU GDPR. You can see details of the agreement on the EU website here and on the website of the UK Information Commissioner here.

Further details of how HalSail keeps your data protected are in this FAQ.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Server Update (Again)

In my post on 28 January I told you that the company that hosts the HalSail website has to move the site to a new machine. After an aborted attempt to do so on 2nd March, they are going to have another go on Thursday 10th March at 9am (UTC). This post is to give you warning that the site will be offline for an hour or so.

Thursday, 3 March 2022

HalSail website outage

I apologize for HalSail going down at about 14:30 yesterday, 2nd March. It came back up today at about 09:30.

The problem was at the hosting company. They attempted to change some hardware and made a mess of it. They got it back up eventually, but had to revert to a backup made at 03:30 on 2nd March, so any data that was put in between then and 14:30 was lost.

The hosting company assures me that it will not happen again and I am keeping a very close watch on them.

New Portsmouth Yardstick Numbers

Two days ago the RYA published the Portsmouth Yardstick handicap numbers for 2025. They are now in HalSail and will be used as the default h...