The latest update to the HalSail website went live on 22 February. The main new features are:
- People logged in as race officers (and anybody logged in with a higher status, of course) can now mark races as cancelled or abandoned from the Results / Enter new results screen. They can also mark them as No results yet (i.e. ready to sail) if they were previously cancelled or abandoned. They can do the same from the Results / Review and edit results screen. As before, race officers cannot make any changes to races that have been validated by somebody logged in as a sailing secretary.
- There is an improved layout for preselecting boats that have entered a race, from the Choose races screen. You can enter guest helms or crews on this screen and, if there is more than one race scheduled for each racing class on a particular day, you can copy the selections and guests from race to race.
- The Result / Series winners page can now vary the number of places to show. Previously it was always the first three places.
- A Delete all button has been added to pages that show boats that are not in a racing class or boats with no results.