Sunday, 15 May 2022

Disappearing Logos

A number of clubs have contacted me to say that the logos they display on their HalSail pages have disappeared, to be replaced with little grey rectangles. This is due to a recent attempt by the authorities to increase internet security. Most browsers now refuse to show images that are not hosted on secure servers (in other words whose web addresses start with http: not https:) on pages that are otherwise secure.

If your logo is hosted on a non-secure server it will not show on HalSail pages. To restore it you will need to move it to a secure server and alter the URL in your HalSail account to start with https:

New Portsmouth Yardstick Numbers

Two days ago the RYA published the Portsmouth Yardstick handicap numbers for 2025. They are now in HalSail and will be used as the default h...