Tuesday 25 June 2024

One more thing

There is a new handicap-analysis button on the public results pages. Open the results of any handicap series and look at the right-hand side of the header panel for each individual race. Alongside the button to print the results, there is a button with a graph logo to show the way each boat performed against its handicap, such as 1% fast or 2% slow.

This is the same information as was always available using the  Analyse Handicaps tool to users that were logged in. Now anybody can see it.

Latest Updates

 I have made several improvements since the new version went live after Easter. You may be interested in the following.

  • When viewing the overall results of a series on a small screen, such as a phone, the default is not to show a detailed table of the result of each boat in each race, but just to show the rank, sail number, boat details as in the series switches and net points in the series. Now there is a button to expand the display to show the full table just like on a full-size screen. That will inevitably involve some horizontal scrolling.
  • If you are running back-to-back races and there are guest helms or crews, the system will remember the guest names from the previous race and suggest them for the next race. Also race officers can automatically preselect the competitors from the previous race on the same day.
  • Tandem races now appear on the public calendar page. Users can click to see the results, just like base races.
  • The default action has been changed when importing boats from a spreadsheet, Hal file or SailEvent. As before, users have the ability to change the action for each boat by means of drop-down lists on the preview page, but the preselected option varies.
    If the numerical sail number (what is written on the sail, excluding any letters) is not the same as that of any existing boat, the new-boat option is preselected.
    If there is a boat already in the boat register with this numerical sail number, there will be three options: ignore the new boat, update the existing boat, or add as a new boat. The preselected option will be as follows:
    • If the complete sail number, including letters, of the boat being imported is the same as that of an existing boat, and they are of the same type, assume they are duplicates and preselect the ignore option.
    • If the complete sail number of the boat being imported is the same as that of an existing boat, but the type of boat is different, preselect the new-boat option.
    • If the complete sail number is different, albeit with the same numerical number, and the type of boat is the same, preselect the update option.
    • If the complete sail number is different, albeit with the same numerical number, and the type of boat is different, preselect the new-boat option.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Strategic Alliance with Sailing Club Software Limited

Many HalSail users benefit from the app’s integration with SailEvent, developed by Sailing Club Software Limited. SCS also runs the popular DutyMan rostering app.

SailEvent’s eTally feature lets sailors sign afloat and ashore on their phones or shared touch screens. Intentions to sail are transferred automatically into HalSail, so that the race officer knows which boats to expect at the start line and the safety officer has a list of boats that are under his care. After racing, sign ashore declarations are seamlessly synched with HalSail for accurate and timely results.

In 2022 the relationship between the two developers, HalSail Ltd and Sailing Club Software Ltd, was formalised in a strategic alliance agreement. The two companies provide each other with technical and customer support. Going forward our strategy will improve efficiency and reliability by sharing infrastructure and spreading the customer support load.

Our commitment is to further integrate the activities of the two companies. The aim will always be to support the sport of sailing by reducing volunteer workload, eliminating paperwork and providing rapid, accurate results in a format convenient to sailors.

At HalSail I am excited to be working with great partners.

One more thing

There is a new handicap-analysis button on the public results pages. Open the results of any handicap series and look at the right-hand side...