Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Price Increase

The price of a subscription to HalSail has remained the same ever since it was launched in 2016. Since then our expenses have gone up substantially, so unfortunately an increase is  inevitable.

The price will be £100 per year for all clubs, except those in the European Union where the price will be €120, and those in the USA where it will be $130. These prices will be applied to subscriptions or free trials whose expiry date is on or after 1st March 2025.

If you need to check your expiry date, login as a club administrator and go to Admin / Settings. Your expiry date is displayed in the top-right panel.

New Portsmouth Yardstick Numbers

Two days ago the RYA published the Portsmouth Yardstick handicap numbers for 2025. They are now in HalSail and will be used as the default h...