We are frequently asked by clubs in North America whether HalSail can do PHRF time-on-distance handicapping. Well the answer is YES. We have recently implemented the ToD version of Performance Handicap Racing Fleet from US Sailing, in addition to the time-on-time version that we have always supported.
In PHRF ToD handicaps are specified in terms of the number of seconds a given boat is allowed per mile, relative to a scratch boat. So the higher the number, the slower the boat. The race organizer specifies the length of the course in nautical miles. Each boat's corrected time is calculated as its elapsed time minus its handicap times the course length.
In HalSail the course length is entered by the race officer when selecting a particular race, or in the case of a fixed course it can be specified when the series is set up.
Results are shown in the same way as other types of handicap races, with the seconds per mile allowance shown as each boat's handicap. The length of the course is shown in the race header, along with the race officer's name and the wind conditions.
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